Where She Writes....

She's So There, is the company God has allowed Sweetie to build with her handsome husband Les. Working from home, among the busy-ness of daily life with children and homeschooling, Sweetie writes professionally for authors, speakers, ministry and business clients and helps them develop viral marketing strategies to support their personal and business goals. She is a success strategist for all levels of problems solving whether as a strategist for a large company, national level charity, or simply helping someone define their goals and helping them succeed! She writes and wordsmiths everything from tag lines to complete web site html as well as content as she creates and directs viral marketing management tools for clients. She is strategic partner, product developer, a software and website solutions company. She is also the owner of Prescriptive Learning Solutions, an educational consulting business that identifies the needs of children with special learning needs: giftedness, dyslexia, or autism. She is a Gifted Education, Learning disabilities and Behavior Disordered Specialist and often serves local parents, schools, and districts in a consultant capacity. She works with individuals, parents, teachers, and school districts to create prescriptive learning solutions so each child can experience learning in a positive environment tailored so that he/she succeeds!
Sweetie writes personally in the following places:

Blissfully Domestic's Blissfully Blended:

Mom's Marbles

Ron Deal's Successful Stepfamilies

Blissfully Domestic's Blissfully Blended-Contributor

  • Growing into Lovely.....journaling the lessons God has for her
  • A Joyful Place Called Home....A site to share the stepfamily paths, one piece at a time.
  • Homesteadblogger/Ajoyfulplace
  • and many professional journals and magazines throughout the year.

Sweetie & Les (Dh) together have a ministry advocating the needs of step and blended families to churches and other organizations. Creating A Joyful Place Resources seeks to pave the stepfamily path....one piece at a time as it works with churches, schools, and organizations to help strengthen programming for families who are facing the challenges of being a step or blended family in today's society. Sweetie speaks on this topic and others several days per month. Sweetie's passion is helping others reach their goals, whether as an educator, advocate, or out shopping with a friend! (one goal she's REALLY known for getting excited about...squealing over success at bargain shopping!)

If you'd like Sweetie to write or speak for your group, ministry, church, publication or website, simply drop her a line:
