Grandmother knows...

When I was small, my Grandmother Geddie has as much influence on me as anyone. She was a 5'4" stout woman of German descent and taught second graders for forty years. She had stayed home with her babies, gone to college WITH my Mom and went from a teaching certificate at sixteen to a Bachelors at fifty. She was a can do kinda girl and one who always had an easy laugh and an almost constant smile.

Grandmother would give anyone anywhere the things she perceived they needed. She did not waste her time in anger, resentment or upset. She lived in the era that dressed to go downtown in matching pumps and bag and hats....and enjoyed clothes. She believed a good pie could cure alot of ills as well as a piece of cake on the side.....and no one got away with saying "no thank you" at her home "I thought you were the one who LIKED coconut creme pie" she'd say if you said "no" as she served you a second or maybe a third piece whether you wanted it or not.

Yesterday I made homemade chocolate creme pie on a whim. My Dear husband was so excited he didn't even wait for it to cool to cut a slice. (this my man who always eats his pie cold) We enjoyed Sunday late afternoon after a long afternoon of honey do's after church sitting with pie in hand and feet up on the ottoman. That pie soothed alot of savage souls in my men after having painted and transplanted some of the front landscape.

Growing into Lovely.....remembering special times from my own childhood and sharing the same recipes with my family....and retelling the tales from long ago days when it was someone else who was served the pie.....Grandmother knew what was important.....the pie was just the teaser to get them there for the conversations and laughter shared last night.