Monday Blessing the Home day

Monday's are traditionally my "get it done" day. Laundry from five folks, three of whom are athletes tends to pile up over the weekend, and I use this day to consistently run that as well as prepare for the week. There's alot of cooking, planning, picking up and laundry done while daughter 2 takes her tests from theh preceeding week at the table or does keyboard and independent work that morning. For me that preparation is indeed begun with Bible time each day. The days that something happens and I don't, its just not the same. As a homeschooling Mom, from home worker, and mom of one in public school and two in college, the taxi hat has to be worn often. There is not a day in my life that the day isn't broken into at least six other people's schedule needs. It actually works for the ADD mom. The pieces of days allow me to focus on one task at a time with time limits. Why is it we work harder when we're giving ourselves less time to accomplish goals? Give me 3 months and I guarantee you I will use the last 72 hours more effectively than the other 87 days.
We are that way in our relationship with God if we're not mindful. We cruise along life pretty much on the thankful, but I'll handle my life mode....right up until life gets interesting. Let money, or sickness, or sorrow, or upset enter your world and how effectively we change our prayer life to work on the issue? I somehow think God perhaps sees through our need to be in charge of our own life. My word of the decade has been surrender. A few years ago God, urged by me in my prayers, began to use the 2 x 4 method to shape me (I knew quiet whisperings would get lost in a family of 6) thwacks He provided! :) Suddenly after years of quiet God Breezes, I was having deep discussions with Him in my dreams, in my prayer time and through others He sent to take me to a different level of closeness to Him.
The story has always been that when we are born again we no longer have the same desires for the old life we had......and in my case, when I ooched in closer to God, God warmly shared His quilt of acceptance/love and from His perspective many things in my life changed even further. There's nothing quite like seeing God take every broken thing in your heart and life and gently show you where the root problems were that caused the break and how to remove them from your life. We are so symptom driven in life.....feeling depressed..take this,.....need money...take that....sick...go to here or there....but very often the root cause of depression, sickness, or financial issues are spiritually based in how we are in relationship to God.
As humans in the flesh we enjoy nothing more than being in charge.....doing things our way.....and based on the may get away with it.....however God's plan for you is to turn over, surrender everything to Him and do it His way. Believe me He has creative time.....have you noticed the zebras lately? I think sometimes the Lord God Almighty enjoys a wild ride as well....and His sense of humor?? Well, let's just say some of my nearest and dearest friends think its somewhat humorous that my husband and I are preparing for full time ministry.
God and the concept of what a God Almighty, Jehovah Creator is usually leaves us dumbfounded because so often we simply gloss over that He IS God. We tend to put our trust in medicenes, in money, in careers, in people....without remembering that before we were even born God knew everything that would happen in our lives....and would love us despite us. God had in mind for us to have perfect peace in that we wouldn't have to stress when tough times come, He has already been there. We wouldn't have to live with sickness, He has already conquered it. We wouldn't have to feel alone, for He is always within us.
Mondays.....the 2nd day of my week.....a good day to restart with a fresh kitchen, laundry, and spend the day reflecting on the service of learning the day before and to prepare to open my heart, home, and life for whatever God has in mind.. That is if Mt Washmore gets put away so someone could open the door!

Have a great day!