What She Believes!

Raised in a Methodist family, married to an Assembly of God reared man, currently attending a Southern Baptist Church.....She thinks God is God, the Almight, Omniscient, King of Kings, the Healer, Jehovah, Yahwah....that He sent his son Jesus to earth as a human baby so that the son of man could sacrifice himself for our sins and allow the Holy Spirit to come as our comforter as Jesus returned to His father in heaven. That the Holy Spirit lives within all those who have faith in Jesus, recognize that Jesus died on the cross for their sins and gives their faith and their heart to Him. That the Holy Spirit instructs us, guides us, and leads us as we listen to the Father's whispers.
She believes that most of us have absolutely no idea of the amazing love our Father in heaven have for us. ...nor the depth, breadth, or heighth of the means He'll go to make sure we are safe in his love. ...and the restoration of her life after finding God to be a personal God and Lord of her life is a story she never tires of sharing!