
When we moved to Alabama, the recurring question was Tide or Auburn. Now I couldn't figure out for a long time why they wanted to know about detergent or my hair color.....finally I woke up to the fact that these folks were seriously into football. Now being organizationally challenged, it took me an even longer time to recognize that one team was one color and the other was another.....being a Razorback Hog fan, if Red was good enough for Jesus, its good enough for me....which happened to be the Tide colors too. Some folks pick there teams on sentimentality, I prefer to realize I already own plenty of red/white fan stuff. Now if I can only figure out what little animal Crimson Tide is just so much easier to continue loving hogs!
Son2 began football in our hometown this week. Summer ball. Last night I attended the first mandatory parent meeting. Toto, we're not in Kansas anymore, one of the biggest organizations in the state is the Touchdown club for each and every high school. We're talking organizations that provide THOUSANDS of dollars to support their boys (and one girl on our team) These children are raised to the level of mini pro trainers are hired, pro NFL players are practicing with them....they say over a million in scholarships out of high school the last 4 years...this is not your enjoyable past time anymore, this is serious to these in Mason/Dixon line serious.
Thankfully our coaches are strong Christians and I love their attitude towards rearing these boys towards being responsible men.....yet part of me is leery of any organization that puts this much focus on one area of a teenager's life as the "end all"
On the home front there seems to be this recurring theme....they mess up, I pick Raising Five's post yesterday regarding a left plate in a bedroom did tickle me.....for I am facing so many unexpected things a banana peel in my civic's back seat (was this saving my carpet or simply setting up the next rider?) or my favorite "Son can empty the trash from every room's can except my office, which is used more than any other can in the house"
My oldest is leaving for college soon. There is a new understanding of sadness...for he not only is the one I am most likely to sit down and enjoy talking to one to one...for we share many of the same loves....but he is my consummate "if you ask me I'll get it done, fixed, or help you" boy. The pickings for the new trashman are getting slim. I've got Mr. I don't see the details and Miss Wow! I think that's cool as she looks at a slimey mess, yet never remembers to take it out!
Oh my, birthing plans would be 8 years before a product would be useful.....adoption is a good bit away as well....hmmmm I can tell already, there is nothing as handsome as a husband who takes out the trash!
God Bless You!