Friday ...Praise God for Fridays

Its the day. For six years we've waited for a real family vacation weekend. Today is that day! Our oldest son was not able to go, so he is having a mini vacation at home with the dogs sans parents at 19, and has every junk food we don't have usually in stock for his solo weekend. Meanwhile the two younger ones have the other half of every imagineable junk food stashed in their travel bin.
We're heading to Tennessee and two nights away from home together. Heck, we even get to have lunch with one of my most fun friends and her husbands...Tamara and Sean on the way home after church!! We're going to a show, eating out a time or three, and enjoying endless opportunities at artist points, outlet malls, pools, nature trails, and deer farms. The list of what to do there has become a really interesting mix of country children's wishes, citified Mom's glee in planning, and Dad's desires for balance.
And just for the record....last night I bought THE new dress for losing to a certain weight (Dh is good like that, prizes and rewards for working towards a big goal) Dh went with me and played along by picking out dresses he liked with me, then waiting for me to try them on! The other women didn't know what to think as he sat outside the dressing room and cheered me on with a seriously appraising, helpful dialogue. Oh gosh, we tried 16W's and they were tooo big. We then tried 16 regulars and they were too big, then 14Ws' and they were too big now my eyes were getting really big......and then I tried on a 14 fitted dress and it fit! WAhooooo! Then he brought me a black and ivory modern looking dress on a circle collar, right at knee length, with a tear drop in front with lots of sparklys and said "hey baby, how about this for a romantic dinner out in heels" Oh.My.Stars! It was sooooo cute and so not a school teacher (my children's complaints about my clothing choices, 17 year habits are hard to break) I felt like I'd been on the makeover show. Best part???
It was on sale for $14.99 down from $48.99! That man of mine bought it and home we went! How fun was it to see my daughter say "Mom, you did it, you really did it, you look YOUNG!"
Saturday night we have dinner theatre tickets, so we shall enjoy knowing it worked......
The next mile marker on the diet dialogues will be to make it to the 15% lost mark, which is not very far away...but that's where the next prize is!
Meanwhile when we arrived home we found out our friend Miss Helen, had fallen and broken her hip. Please keep her in your prayers today. She's an elder friend who lives in our town.
Have a blessed weekend. We'll be driving 272 miles away today and son1 will be cruising all weekend at home enjoying his kingdom on his own.

God Bless You!