Living Transparently

Its a goal I've worked on for a long time. Like an onion, God has had to shed layer after layer of the dirt and dryness for the living water life he gave me to get to the part that lives and is flavorful. feels pretty raw sometimes....and the scents revealed are not always fact like the onion, they often make me weep with shame and awareness that I was not what I hoped I'd be underneath it all.
The beauty within us is real. God designed us to live as creatures who love and are loved by Him. For our lives to be filled with a passion He gave us, for our work to be meaningful and for our families to have order and joy filled positions within it. There is so much for us in the Bible that if we simply allow God to show us all that He has already promised us, there is much less room for any of the curses that indeed ruin our daily lives. He promises us strength, provision, protection from our enemies, wisdom, forgiveness.....God is so good.....even when I am not....but best of all....He still loves me.