
We had a great day yesterday. The children and I had a quiet morning, I worked, they played and we all enjoyed being together. D2 painted a personalized plate, Son2 spent time with his beloved cat (now freshly shaved) Oreo. Dh came home and put two coats of sealer hand rubbing a finish on the furniture, I cannot wait to show you the end results in a day! A neighbor invited us to use her pool for an afternoon treat.....and what a treat it was to have it for the three of us, Son1 was working, so the two younger ones and myself swam for a couple of hours. Last night Dh and I worked on projects, D2 enjoyed her internet with her webkins time and son2 was asked to go to the mall with two of his guy friends to welcome each other home.
It was a good first day home for all!

Today I look at my kitchen and believe there was a late evening raid on the fridge. That 6'3" boy is a bottomless pit. The two black and white dogs are sitting on the iron furniture outside my office door. Silly me, I suspected I would be sitting on it mornings like these, I so often forget my place in our animal kingdom, of course they rule the deck! In fact, I now see where D2 did the deed of shaving the cat.....hair is all over my table! eeeckkkk!!!!
In my Bible time this morning I was in Psalms 145:13 The Lord always keeps His promises; He is gracious in all that He does. How true...and today I needed to hear it again. He has given me a specific word that seems so too big for me to handle....yet I know deep in my heart it is another growth in faith for me to allow Him to accomplish His will in my life. Yes "allow" . God never forces anything upon us, and so very often I believe we turn away from the gift of the life He has for us simply because we cannot conceive of how to do what he calls us to do. I am so having to relearn that I don't have to know how to do things, God can provide the wisdom and instruction and situations when He is ready for it to be done.
I saw a sign on a movie hospital lately that says "Man bandages the wounds, only God heals them" Is that not the truth??? We try and try and try to repackage ourselves, our burdens, our scars, our bad habits, but the Almighty God simply takes them away, heals our wounds, erases our scars. On a televangical t.v. show the other day they were showing how the brain stores memories and that when you replace painful, negative memories with positive, uplifting thoughts the brain actually rewrites that memory into a different physical storage...new connections are made and the old pain simply is rewritten. We know its true with child birth...we rewrite that memory in a few days after the birth.....but this was cat scan proof that when we choose to control and order our thoughts, our brain literally changes who we are physically, mentally, and spiritually. I am so trying to learn new ways in God's promises right now. I am no longer trying to eat well on my own, but asking God to instruct me and give me right desires. I am no longer thinking I can "learn" to exercise, but asking God to change my desires to be a healthy person. I think this is true with every habit we need to change. When I first began this very slow learning journey it was simply asking God to help me desire to make my bed until it would be a part of me......and He did. Now its made automatically in my room right after I wake up. It was a great thing for me many years ago when I could barely find my room for the mess it was!
Psalms 146 verse 5 says "Joyful are those who have the God of Israel as their helper, whose hope is in the Lord their God. and that my friends is my personal truth this morning!

God Bless You!