The Definers...

I am from a world where there were definers that identified people. There were labels like Christians and the lost. The rich and the have nots. The society definers that esteemed some people while dismissing others... Lines between the educated, the uneducated and the wise (not necessarily the same group) The workers and the "come alongs" who never did their fair share in life. The excuse makers and the get it doners. It was a world economy based on values I do not always agree with as an adult, life is not black and white...yet for many of the things that matter it is simply a matter of do they or don't they. Integrity matters.
As an adult my definers are much simpler. In a world that values money, style, prestige, and power. I simply don't. maybe style (adored Rachel Anne's living room....such peaceful elegance) My personal measuring stick has much more to do with heart. Is the person treating others kindly? Are they using their influence to build their community and families? Are they quick to forgive and faster to help others when they are without help. Perfection is highly overrated. Fact is we all fail. We all face tragedy. We all are blessed beyond measure, yet most of us fail to recognize just how truly blessed we are each.moment.of.our.lives.
Yesterday is indeed where you were then. What can you affect today? That is truly all that matters isn't it. This moment, this time, this possibility.....and then tomorrow you'll affect that one....yes, some things must be prepared for....heaven is one of them. Submitting to God is a daily moment by moment continuing surrender....and the true challenge is keeping your definer on that reminds you that pleasing God is indeed the only goal worth attaining.

Life is full of realities I'd prefer not to know....but I am glad I know that the reality that matters is God loves me, just as I am, and I love God for who He is...