Sad news all around today...

Somedays I am simply not a very well done person. Today I have been on a pity party, right up to two phone calls. One from a long ago friend who let me know a close friend had just committed suicide in the past few hours, another friend then called who has found out that life is changing and never to return to what she experienced yesterday.
Thankfulness is indeed a state of mind. When we choose to focus on that which is not Godly, that which does not matter in the big picture of God's kingdom, the devil helps eggs us on to allow things and ideas take on value and importance that most likely have NO value in God's kingdom.
I am determined today, to stop, be intentional about my thankfulness and be more aware and merciful to those around me who need God's love shown to them towards them from me. We truly are the Jesus people see.....who else will choose with me today to stop, praise God, and wait for His next whispering....
it matters.....loving others and letting them know they are loved matter, no matter what they are facing, no matter what they have succeeded or failed at....they are worth mattering to you!

I pray tonight that my long time friend found peace tonight in Jesus ' arms. I cannot imagine how hard it was to truly believe that his life was not worth living, he was such a special person....the outward mask was that life was not only going well, but he was on top of the world. How sad for his family, how sad for his sad for all of us that we couldn't reach him or help him find God's mercy and grace for whatever it was he was facing....

and for my friend who knows this day life will never be the same as yesterday....

I love you....

and God is enough...

and we will love you through this.