Company Girl Coffee 8.14.09

Good Morning Girls!!!

I know you've already seen Rachel Anne Ridge's Video here and I can tell you it was a GREAT story in person too!!! I was so privileged to be in that audience to experience first hand Rachel's sharing and God's caring through her voice!

This week was the first I have spent at home since May! Can you imagine??? The week was filled with catching up on clients, working on two website projects, doing my usual writing for clients and trying to get back into a routine at home.

My God whispers this week were about peace. My own whispers were questioning if my motives are correct in ministry. Am I focusing on His work, their needs, and ministries that God sets before me, or am I being caught up in the "me" isms that so easily lead me astray. The measuring stick of my heart must always be carefully weighed for so many people get completely off the beaten trail of God's path doing the "logical" or the "profitable" instead of simply listening for God's next move.

We had a tomato thief early in the week in our garden boxes and after a few interrogations of innocent children we found that indeed the culprit was family....
Drake simply LOVES vine ripe tomatoes....who would blame him???
My son in high school began a new school this year by his choice. He requested to leave the large public school here after 1.5 years and enroll in a Christian school locally. It was a pretty large decision for him, he will have to sit out athletics for an entire year, and this child is wired in athletics, but he felt it was important enough to do so. I am so relieved to see him come home each day from the new school, his entire countenance has changed before our eyes in just the first week.....Austin is an excellent public school, it was simply not right for Chase....too big, too much pressure, too much period after being reared in much smaller, more academic schools.
Daughter is excited about homeschool restarting on Monday. She was not well most of the week so we delayed school beginning at home until the 19th, so she can start a short week just as her brothers did. College boy is still at home and working, we haven't seen much of him between his work and social schedule.
Today I am at a public school as an Educational Consultant again. I love working as a specialist in Gifted Education and Special Education, today I have a two-fer. The school needs help in both areas, and I love this particular staff!
This weekend we have a full schedule Saturday, and I am looking very forward to being with Les for the entire weekend! The children are home and we'll enjoy some time together doing the things that have to be done!
What's up in your life this week? Can't wait to hear!!!
hugs, hugs hugs!!!!


Anonymous said...

Good morning!
That is wonderful that your son made such a wise decision for himself. God is good!
Enjoy your time home with your husband and children!

The Queen Mommy said...

What a lovely, friendly post! I feel like I got to know you a little bit - and it was a pleasure!

We have tomato thieves in our house, too. My oldest eats ripe cherry tomatoes off the vine like candy. They're the only kind we grow and we much prefer her to eat tomatoes than candy!

Lots of changes going on - it'll be fun to stay caught up with you.

Rachel Anne said...

I know it must feel good to be home. I can't believe how much you've travelled this summer. Makes me tired to think about it :)

One more week before school starts here...I'm thankful for the extra time with my boy. Can't wait to see him!!!

Diane said...

Dearest Sweetie, that you care enough to reexamine your motive for ministry means you are most likely still on the right path - it seems only those who are 'way off from God's plan never question themselves. I know He will guide you aright - and that you will listen!

Have a blessed (and hopefully a little less busy!) new week!

Kara said...

Sounds like your son made a wise choice! Good for him. I love the pic of Drake and the tomatoes! That's something one of our dogs would do too. Plus, who can resist those yummy fresh tomatoes?!

Camille said...

So happy you had a whole week at home, I know you enjoyed every minute of it. Hope you all have a wonderful start to your school year on Monday.

samantha said...

I am so glad for you and your son. It sounds like he made the right choice. I also love vine ripe tomatoes. They are just so delicious. It must feel really good to be home. I hope your daughter gets well soon. Have a great weekend!