Happy Monday! Last week was a week of change at our home. The children began school again, a son became a driver complete with a truck his natural dad provided....eek!....I returned home from weeks of travel and a different routine....and I changed the name of my blog.
Rachel Anne wants to know the story of the blog name change, so I will share. When I came to Alabama, my business name changed from Sweetwrites! to She's So There...mainly because the night the city council met, there had to be a change in the business name and my blog name was the first I thought of on the spot. That worked well, except....business....is business and while I do not mind at all anyone reading my blog...I'm me where ever I am....some people were landing on the blog looking for my business and the business looking for the blog. It somewhat bothered my husband that I had shortened the title of She's So There where ever THERE is....to She's So There...as we redesigned the header a few months ago. He and I read it entirely differently...mine was about being a stepmom, wife, creative strategist...mess maker....he read it as "arrived". As I reflected Les's take on that for several weeks it was clear to my heart that I would so prefer to use my secondary blog "Growing into Lovely" if I am to be sharing my hope to do just that....to allow God to turn me into something lovely...positive...pleasant...caring...
You'd think a blog title wouldn't be hard to choose, but baby that took three weeks!!! We have another domain that I love as well, where I keep track of each thing that delights me that I call "A Simple Joy" and then there was this whole Wordpress or Blogger issue. It seems the "chic" crowd are migrating to Wordpress for its SEO features (Search Engine Optimization ) but the truth is that I am a blogger girl....through and through. I did indeed create a blog there, but even that is proof that I fell to pressures that were not my delight, but my need to please....and it will be repointed to the www.asimplejoy.blogspot.com address soon.
The truth is, I want "Growing into Lovely" to be my focus, to be who I am, to remind me daily as I write that this is about becoming what God urges me to be....not some popularity measure, or business basic, or place to compete with the Miss Jones' of the blogosphere....I simply want this to be a place to share the journey, to learn from each other, and to cultivate joy in whatever we face in this life.
This week I am working on two huge projects, both due this week, so I am frustrated with myself for choosing deadlines during the second week of a new routine. Les is being so gracious to come home and help and not say "I told you so" though it would be so his right to do so!
God is good! Lean into Him and listen for His whisperings....
18 Years Of Blogging
7 hours ago
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