Recognizing What's Important and Why....

There is this continuing struggle within my mind to keep first things first. I am not an optimal manager of a zillion things at fact, though I multitask on levels most folks would be horrified to have to face....I simply prefer to focus one thing until its finished. I enjoy giving attention to detail and doing a thorough job...but lately I have had to simply suffice to get jobs done at home and within my daily "to do" list.
This morning once again I revisit my goals of the day....
  1. To begin the day with God as soon as I get up, to pray, read, and listen to the Holy Spirit's leadings for the day, my life, and our family.
  2. To do action oriented steps to express to my husband and my children that they are important to me, to nurture, care, and use words that reflect the love that my heart holds for them.
  3. To fulfill to the clients I have chosen to accept, my deep desire to help them with their business help them understand the steps to take to present, market, and improve their outcomes.
  4. To care more about helping people than about measuring success financially, the economy I am most concerned with is success in God's economy.
  5. To interact with everyone on my path in ways that lead them to want to know more about this God I love.

Lofty stuff isn't it....and I fail on a million levels weekly....but without the goals, how does one reach the finish line?

God is good, and its time for me to get back to work!